The Giro Puzzle Quercetti Montessori game is part of the new series of Quercetti educational toys, inspired by the work of the famous educator Maria Montessori.
The 4 animal puzzles must be completed with the missing pieces. Secure the discs with the screws and nuts in the package, then rotate them into the correct position to create the perfect image.
This game stimulates manual and psychomotor skills.
Capital Letter Puzzle Puzzle Lettre Majuscule
Infants over 12 month of age are attracted by bright colors. Each letter block in this puzzle has a themed color and pattern, designed to aid in the development of color and shape recognition. Differing shapes help in the recognition and understanding of the individual letters in the alphabet. In assembling the puzzle, inserting each three-dimensional letter block into the corresponding shape helps foster observation and memory skills, as well as aiding in the development of fine motor skills.